Jesse S. Bobo Elementary Home
JSBES Webpage Video 2023
Recent News
4K Registration Now Open

Is your child turning 4 on or before September 1st? Interested in our 4K program? Click here for more information!
School Improvement Council Meeting Dates

Our team members meet on the dates listed to discuss ways to improve our school, please reach out if you would like to join any of the meetings
Vaccine Clinic

District Six has partnered with DHEC and MyPharmacy Company to provide a Back-to-School onsite vaccine clinic. These clinics will be held on Thursday, August 10 from 9am-3pm. Click for more information.
SC Ready Testing Dates

ELA 3rd, 4th, 5th grade
Math 3rd, 4th, 5th grade
SC Pass Science 4th grade
Cell phones and other bluetooth devices are not allowed during testing. Students will be required to turn off all devices and place them in a secure location. If you prefer, you may keep your child's device(s) at home during testing days.
ELA 3rd, 4th, 5th grade
Math 3rd, 4th, 5th grade
SC Pass Science 4th grade
Cell phones and other bluetooth devices are not allowed during testing. Students will be required to turn off all devices and place them in a secure location. If you prefer, you may keep your child's device(s) at home during testing days.
Returning Student Enrollment

Returning Student Enrollment is now open! Grab your snap code and click the link to get started!