Our School » SIC Report 2022-2023

SIC Report 2022-2023

Jesse S. Bobo Elementary School

Annual School Improvement Council Report to the Community

2022-2023 School Year


Mission: The mission of JSBES is to provide a positive/safe atmosphere, a challenging curriculum, and engaging learning for all students.


Jesse S. Bobo Elementary School

495 Powell Mill Road

Spartanburg, SC 29301


Phone: 864-576-2085

Fax:  864-576-3180

Website: www.spart6.org

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Jesse-S-Bobo-523896704292698/


Our School SIC Members


Amanda Justice, Chair

Melissa Morris, JSBES Staff

Shawna Simmons, Parent

Diane Garrison, Community Member

Steven Mills, Assistant Principal

Catherine Pogue, Ex officio


Purpose of the Report

This report is issued by Jesse S. Bobo Elementary School Improvement Council in accordance with South Carolina law to share information on the school's progress in meeting various goals and objectives, the work of the SIC, and other accomplishments during the school year.














SIC Annual Goals for the 2022-2023 School Year


 Goal 1: Increase parental involvement, communication and engagement within the school

This year we have worked on this goal by providing families with numerous opportunities to learn and grow with their students. Listed below are several ways that families have been involved/engaged in our school or can be involved/engaged in our school culture and climate.

  • School Improvement Council
  • Parent Teacher Organization
  • Family Engagement Events Read 2 Me, Books & Breakfast and our Block Party
  • Parent involvement in arts education
  • Celebration Days
  • Survey participation


There are several forms of communication that we have in place for our families. These include: parent/teacher conferences, teacher newsletters, Friday Folders, school webpage, parent/student handbook & calendar, PowerSchool, Class Dojo, the Principal’s Weekly for the Week, MTSS newsletter, literacy coach newsletters, QR codes with instructional videos, continuous improvement coach newsletters, Facebook, and more. Suggestions are always welcome as we strive to meet everyone’s communication needs. It is our goal to continue to find ways to connect with our diverse culture of families and students through more multilingual avenues.



Goal 2: Increase achievement to become an Average State Report Card Rated School

To meet this goal we will put in place high levels of academic achievement by means of:

  • Hiring and maintaining certified teachers
  • Professional development and professional learning communities with teachers and staff
  • Use of iReady reading and math curriculum and data analysis
  • Use of DreamBox math and data analysis
  • All certified teachers have a common planning time



Goal 3: Maintain a Healthy and Safe School

We continue to host breakfast, lunch and our dinner program each day at our school. We believe in providing a safe and healthy environment so that our students can learn and grow to their full potential. Our school continues to provide PE to students each week for 60 minutes of health and fitness classes as well as 30 minutes of recess a day. These programs will encourage our students to make healthy lifestyle choices for years to come. We will continue to follow our District 6 health initiatives, policies and procedures.